Wednesday 1 October 2008

Preliminary - Target Audience

The target audience for my project are students, parents and past students from the school. The magazine will have content on recent and upcoming events within the school thus appealing to the students currently at the school, and those who have left and are still intent on the successes of the school. The front cover of the magazine will have a sophisticated look, with the main image being an edited photo of the schools main building. This will appeal to older generations as it exploits the attractiveness of the architecture but it will still maintain a youthful aspect as the background for the image will be a bright colour.The combination of the bright colours and main image of the school building will attract the students as well as the older generation, the content will also do this as it will contain information on events and successes for the students and information on school life and other general information for older generations. The front cover will also feature a photo of a student from the school and will furthermore attract students and parents as they may know the student and this will make them want to find out more about what is in the magazine.