Friday 24 April 2009


For my magazine project I will be creating a music magazine. I have decided to base my magazine around the electro and breakbeat genres as they are two dance music genres that are currently very popular and are not solely represented by any magazine.

To produce my front cover, contents page and double page spread I will be using Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator. These are part of the Creative Suite 4 and provide a professional and efficient way to complete the task. InDesign will be used to create the main magazine layout, Photoshop will be used to edit photos that will be used on the layout and Illustrator will be used to create extra vector graphics to enhance the design of the project.

All photos will be taken by myself using a Canon 400D SLR using a variety of different lenses. Photos will be taken at a variety of different locations including a nightclub, on a roadside and a beach.